Códigos disponibles en git |
¿Por qué?
Páginas Estáticas | HTML Dinámico | Páginas Dinámicas |
¿Para qué?
DOM y JavaScript
Gestión de Nodos
Método write | Ejemplo |
Gestión de Elementos | Ejemplo |
Atributo innerHTML | Ejemplo |
Aplicación | ||
Gestión de Eventos
Tipos de Eventos
Tipo | Propiedad | Descripción | Clase, funcion constructora |
Ratón |
mousedown |
The event occurs when the user presses a mouse button over an element |
MouseEvent |
mouseenter |
The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element |
MouseEvent |
mouseleave |
The event occurs when the pointer is moved out of an element |
MouseEvent |
mousemove |
The event occurs when the pointer is moving while it is over an element |
MouseEvent |
mouseover |
The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element, or onto one of its children |
MouseEvent |
mouseout |
The event occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer out of an element, or out of one of its children |
MouseEvent |
mouseup |
The event occurs when a user releases a mouse button over an element |
MouseEvent |
dblclick |
The event occurs when the user double-clicks on an element |
MouseEvent |
click |
The event occurs when the user clicks on an element |
MouseEvent |
contextmenu |
The event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to open a context menu |
MouseEvent |
wheel |
The event occurs when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element WheelEvent mousewheel Deprecated. Use the wheel event instead |
WheelEvent |
Foco |
focus |
The event occurs when an element gets focus |
FocusEvent |
focusin |
The event occurs when an element is about to get focus |
FocusEvent |
focusout |
The event occurs when an element is about to lose focus |
FocusEvent |
blur |
The event occurs when an element loses focus |
FocusEvent |
Arrastrar y soltar |
drag |
The event occurs when an element is being dragged |
DragEvent |
dragend |
The event occurs when the user has finished dragging an element |
DragEvent |
dragenter |
The event occurs when the dragged element enters the drop target |
DragEvent |
dragleave |
The event occurs when the dragged element leaves the drop target |
DragEvent |
dragover |
The event occurs when the dragged element is over the drop target |
DragEvent |
dragstart |
The event occurs when the user starts to drag an element |
DragEvent |
drop |
The event occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop target |
DragEvent |
Teclado |
keydown |
The event occurs when the user is pressing a key |
KeyboardEvent |
keypress |
The event occurs when the user presses a key |
KeyboardEvent |
keyup |
The event occurs when the user releases a key |
KeyboardEvent |
Tampón del teclado, buffer |
paste |
The event occurs when the user pastes some content in an element |
ClipboardEvent |
copy |
The event occurs when the user copies the content of an element |
ClipboardEvent |
cut |
The event occurs when the user cuts the content of an element |
ClipboardEvent |
Formulario |
submit |
The event occurs when a form is submitted |
Event |
reset |
The event occurs when a form is reset |
Event |
search |
The event occurs when the user writes something in a search field (for <input="search">) |
Event |
change |
The event occurs when the content of a form element, the selection, or the checked state have changed (for <input>, <select>, and <textarea>) |
Event |
toggle |
The event occurs when the user opens or closes the <details> element |
Event |
select |
The event occurs after the user selects some text (for <input> and <textarea>) |
UiEvent, Event |
show |
The event occurs when a <menu> element is shown as a context menu |
Event |
scroll |
The event occurs when an element’s scrollbar is being scrolled |
UiEvent, Event |
hashchange |
The event occurs when there has been changes to the anchor part of a URL |
HashChangeEvent |
Tableta |
touchcancel |
The event occurs when the touch is interrupted |
TouchEvent |
touchend |
The event occurs when a finger is removed from a touch screen |
TouchEvent |
touchmove |
The event occurs when a finger is dragged across the screen |
TouchEvent |
touchstart |
The event occurs when a finger is placed on a touch screen |
TouchEvent |
Gestión del documento |
beforeunload |
The event occurs before the document is about to be unloaded |
UiEvent, Event |
load |
The event occurs when an object has loaded |
UiEvent, Event |
unload |
The event occurs once a page has unloaded (for <body>) |
UiEvent, Event |
loadedmetadata |
The event occurs when meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded |
Event |
loadstart |
The event occurs when the browser starts looking for the specified media |
ProgressEvent |
error |
The event occurs when an error occurs while loading an external file |
ProgressEvent, UiEvent, Event |
invalid |
The event occurs when an element is invalid |
Event |
input |
The event occurs when an element gets user input |
InputEvent, Event |
resize |
The event occurs when the document view is resized |
UiEvent, Event |
fullscreenchange |
The event occurs when an element is displayed in fullscreen mode |
Event |
fullscreenerror |
The event occurs when an element can not be displayed in fullscreen mode |
Event |
abort |
The event occurs when the loading of a media is aborted |
UiEvent, Event |
offline |
The event occurs when the browser starts to work offline |
Event |
online |
The event occurs when the browser starts to work online |
Event |
pagehide |
The event occurs when the user navigates away from a webpage |
PageTransitionEvent |
pageshow |
The event occurs when the user navigates to a webpage |
PageTransitionEvent |
popstate |
The event occurs when the window’s history changes |
PopStateEvent |
storage |
The event occurs when a Web Storage area is updated |
StorageEvent |
transitionend |
The event occurs when a CSS transition has completed |
TransitionEvent |
message |
The event occurs when a message is received through the event source |
Event |
open |
The event occurs when a connection with the event source is opened |
Event |
Animaciones |
animationend |
The event occurs when a CSS animation has completed |
AnimationEvent |
animationiteration |
The event occurs when a CSS animation is repeated |
AnimationEvent |
animationstart |
The event occurs when a CSS animation has started |
AnimationEvent |
Video |
pause |
The event occurs when the media is paused either by the user or programmatically |
Event |
play |
The event occurs when the media has been started or is no longer paused |
Event |
playing |
The event occurs when the media is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering |
Event |
waiting |
The event occurs when the media has paused but is expected to resume (like when the media pauses to buffer more data) |
Event |
volumechange |
The event occurs when the volume of the media has changed (includes setting the volume to "mute") |
Event |
progress |
The event occurs when the browser is in the process of getting the media data (downloading the media) |
Event |
ratechange |
The event occurs when the playing speed of the media is changed |
Event |
suspend |
The event occurs when the browser is intentionally not getting media data |
Event |
timeupdate |
The event occurs when the playing position has changed (like when the user fast forwards to a different point in the media) |
Event |
durationchange |
The event occurs when the duration of the media is changed |
Event |
ended |
The event occurs when the media has reach the end (useful for messages like "thanks for listening") |
Event |
loadeddata |
The event occurs when media data is loaded |
Event |
canplay |
The event occurs when the browser can start playing the media (when it has buffered enough to begin) |
Event |
canplaythrough |
The event occurs when the browser can play through the media without stopping for buffering |
Event |
stalled |
The event occurs when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available |
Event |
seeked |
The event occurs when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the media |
Event |
seeking |
The event occurs when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position in the media |
Event |
Impresión |
afterprint |
The event occurs when a page has started printing, or if the print dialogue box has been closed |
Event |
beforeprint |
The event occurs when a page is about to be printed |
Event |
Clases de eventos
Manejador de Eventos, handle
Modo pull | Modo push |
Propagación de Eventos
Cancelación de Eventos
CSS y JavaScript
con funciones |
con objetos |
Aplicación | ||
tool-cssBoxModel - solución - solución - solución - solución |
BOM y JavaScript
Obra, Autor y Edición | Portada | Obra, Autor y Edición | Portada |